When you choose Strong Curriculum, you are choosing a Sunday School curriculum with all of God’s Word and the life application that comes with it.

Strong Curriculum™ builds stronger churches through teaching all Scripture to produce spiritually mature believers who measure up to the stature of Christ.

Digital Access kit box for Strong Students for Middle & High School course called Bedrock: Foundations of Faith
Middle & High School

Strong Students for Middle & High School builds on the foundation laid by Strong Kids by increasing the depth of the teaching and expanding the variety of material. Students dive into God’s plan from Creation to Revelation, learn to study the riches of the Bible for themselves, and gain answers to their toughest questions.

Winter 2024-25 — December, January, February

Theme: Unmasked: The Truth about False Religions

Teacher Kit: Teacher Guide, Student Book*, online download code, Home Connection Tool**, DVD, Posters
*Order additional copies for classroom use.
**Included in Resource CD.

Spiritual maturity isn’t an abstract, unmeasurable idea. In fact, measuring spiritual growth is a Biblical concept. Ephesians 4:13 instructs us to grow spiritually into “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” The measuring stick is Christlikeness. Strong Curriculum follows the seven teaching aims leading to Christlikeness and uses the robust measuring tools laid out in Strong Church: Building and Measuring Mature Disciples.


Essentials for Building Strong Students

Strong Students builds on Strong Kids by standing on the whole-Bible emphasis that Strong Kids establishes before students enter middle school. With a firm foundation laid, Strong Students provides a robust mix of courses to minister to teens through God’s Word.

Bible Survey

God’s Word isn’t a bunch of disconnected stories that teach us how to live. God’s Word is a cohesive message that tells the historical and prophetic record of God’s plan for His creation. Every part of the Bible plays an integral role in filling out this message. Strong Students gives each teen a comprehensive view of God’s total plan. That’s why the scope and sequences for both middle and high school include a survey of the whole Bible. With Strong Students, every student will know God’s plan.

Bible Book Studies
The books of the Bible are pieces that, when put together, form the Bible’s full message. Each book serves a purpose and has a unique background and context, so it’s important for students to study the individual books. Students will learn each book’s powerful message from God.
Theological Studies
Theology refers to what we understand about God and His Creation. Since our theology affects our understanding of Who Christ is and where we will spend eternity, it’s vital for students to get theology right. Strong Students takes this belief seriously and includes detailed exposure of the Bible’s theology by organizing the Bible’s material by topic. Teens will form a thorough understanding of what the Bible teaches on its most important topics.
Bible Interpretation
Many people around the world read the Bible, yet they come to different conclusions about what it says. This isn’t because of a problem with the Bible; it’s because of their hermeneutic—the way they interpret the Bible. Interpreting the Bible correctly is a must, and that’s why Strong Students equips teens with the basic principles of interpreting the Bible literally, historically, and grammatically. As students work through the curriculum, they won’t just learn information to absorb right now; they will be given the keys to unlock the Bible’s message for the rest of their lives.
Students are growing up in a world of skepticism. Everywhere they turn, they see attacks against the Bible’s reliability, Biblical origins, and belief in God. Many students simply do not know how to answer skeptics. In Strong Students, apologetics—defending the truths of the Christian faith—has been fused into the fiber of the curriculum. Students will examine current issues, competing belief systems, the problem of evil, and more. No longer will students feel helpless before skeptics. With Strong Students, teens will discover answers to the toughest questions about their faith.

Curriculum Catalog

View the most recent Strong Curriculum catalog.

Scope & Sequence

Browse the Strong Students age-appropriate plan to prepare students to successfully take the next step in their spiritual growth.


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